Sunday 3 May 2009

Neverending Invitations - Part (ii)

Although I would be happy to try some sort of experimental treatment to erase the memory (Total Recall style) of The Invitation Saga from my brain, that hasn't unfortunately happened so as I promised; here is a picture of The Most Hated Invitations Ever.

If you squint really hard and tilt your head slightly so as to off-set the wonkiness they don't look too bad.

The details: There are two cards per set; one in English and one in French, The RSVP information is on the reverse and they're tied together with a variety of ribbons. I had originally ordered six different coloured rolls of silk ribbon from Cam Creations. If you have a look on their site you'll see why I wasn't very good at narrowing it down to two or three options...

Unfortunately I now have about one hundred REALLY rubbish ones that I can't quite bring myself to throw out. I'm considering lopping off the tops to use as as tags or place cards. Any better ideas for what I could do with them?


  1. They're really really pretty and in about a decade you'll be able to look at them without grinding your teeth.

  2. Thank you.

    A decade. Or maybe two....
